The Business Master (3rd Edition)
The Business Master (3rd Edition).iso
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Using the capabilities explained in the preceeding
chapter, you can use just about any program which displays
graphic images with Writer's Dream. But, we also have
built-in capability for .PCX files, the most common graphics
file format.
To display a .PCX file, you simply list it in the
contents when working with the BUILD program. When Writer's
Dream comes across a .PCX picture in it's menu, it calls the
small program on disk called PCX.EXE to show the picture,
waits for the user to press any key or click a mouse button,
then returns to the main menu.
PCX.EXE works with almost any .PCX image from monochrome
CGA to Super-VGA. There are a few images it will not
display, because the .PCX standard is very flexible, and many
paint programs take great liberty with the format, resulting
in screwey proportions or incorrect video mode. And, of
course, PCX.EXE cannot display a 256-color VGA on a Hercules
monitor, for instance.
PCX.EXE will also run as a stand-alone program for use
at the DOS prompt, or from within other programs. For
instance, if you have a question & answer program with the
capability of running external programs, you can use PCX.EXE
to display pictures within your question & answer sessions.
Another fine use to which it can be put is as a utility to
quickly and easily examine .PCX files. For instance, if
someone gives you a file called THOMAS.PCX, and you want to
look at it quickly, without fuss, simply type: PCX THOMAS.PCX
at the DOS prompt.
Two points to remember: If you display .PCX files within
a Writer's Dream presentation, PCX.EXE must accompany the
other files on your finished product disk.
When you display a .PCX file, you may be limiting the
audience which will be able to use your presentation. For
instance, if you use a 16-color EGA image, your readers with
CGA monitors will not be able to see it.
What Works, What Doesn't Work
Original Image Monitors which will work
============== ========================
2-Color CGA CGA, EGA, VGA, Super-VGA
4-Color CGA CGA, EGA, VGA, Super-VGA
Hercules Hercules
EGA 2,4,16-color EGA, VGA, Super-VGA
VGA 2,16,256-color VGA, Super-VGA
Super-VGA Super-VGA
When PCX.EXE is run without parameters or outside of Writer's
Dream, it displays a shareware notice. As a registered user
of Writer's Dream, you will not have to pay the $12 requested
by PCX.EXE. If you have registered Writer's Dream or PCX.EXE
with Another Company, then you can also eliminate that
shareware notice. To eliminate it, type PCX, then a space,
followed by the PCX filename you want to display, then
another space, and then xjjx. This code, which must be in
lower case letters, wipes out the dropout screen. Example:
chapter end.